

This team develops and implements the Progressive Caucus’s communications strategies. Help develop press releases, videos, graphics, flyers and social media content.


This team helps to educate the caucus on what positions we support but also on why we do so. Volunteers will help organize event with speakers and videos, and help with written materials about important progressive topics to our members, action teams, and the broader public. If you have a particular interest or expertise in a subject matter, we strongly urge you to join this team.


The work by this team ensures that the progressive voice in North Carolina is focused on the most progressive candidates. Volunteers will help develop, maintain and streamline the caucus endorsement process. The team develops the criteria and questionnaires for state and national positions and directly engages with candidates to vet for caucus endorsement. 


This team helps formulate the policy positions this caucus should support and push for within the Democratic party and by elected officials. Help us move the progressive agenda forward through development of fact sheets, talking points, letters to editors and legislators, and helping members draft resolutions.

Party engagement

Demonstrate the voting power of progressives to promote progressive policies in the Democratic Party.