
become a donor

We welcome you to become a donor to the caucus and help us fight for our goals.

Can you support us with a monthly Donation?

A monthly donation will help us with the following:

  • Pay for operating costs needed to run an effective volunteer organization.

  • Expand our capabilities by incorporating technologies to engage in direct advocacy.

  • Educate North Carolinians on progressive policies through sponsorship of events and community engagement.

  • Support progressive candidates and party officials by hosting candidate forums and other events.

  • Grow our membership and our influence by organizing and supporting local county chapters.

By Mail

To make a donation by mail, please print out the donation form by clicking the button below and mailing it with your check payable to:

Progressive Caucus of the NC Democratic Party

P.O. Box 11984,

1100 N Miami Blvd.,

Durham, NC 27703

Donors must certify that they are:

  • A US citizen.

  • The contribution is made from their own funds, and funds are not being provided by another person or entity for the purposes of making the contribution.

  • At least 18 years old.

  • Not a federal government contractor.

Contributions or gifts to the Progressive Caucus of the NCDP are not tax deductible. Federal law prohibits contributions from corporations, labor organizations, national banks and from any person contributing another person’s funds, from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status, and from federal government contractors.